Wednesday 5 December 2012

Brussels: Jellyfish in action!!

An absolute pleasure and joy this evening.... a number of brewers from the North West of England were showing their excellent wares in Brussels tonight. It was wonderful company, and the beer was superb. I once worked for Fullers, the London brewers of great renown, and so I like to think that I know good beer when I taste it.

But the taste turned a wee bit sour.

As often happens at such events, there were some juvenile drunks present, making asses of themselves. In this instance, it must be mentioned, they were all UKIP staffers.

I was alerted by a colleague to an unpleasant situation that required my attention. Seemingly, several of my female colleagues were being accosted by these drunks, and were being attacked for having arrived at the event with yours truly. (Here I must explain - the UKIP Fuhrer does not like me very much, and the little folk of no consequence seem to think that they might win a smile, or at least a benevolent glance, if they are seen to be criticising me.) And so, they went for the girls.

And then I turned up. I asked that if these brave patriotic nationalists had a problem with me, might they wish to discuss it?

I never saw grown men run so fast. Three of them, and I will name: John T, James I, and a dodgy looking cove I never saw before in a ghastly combination of shirt and tie that even Del Trotter would have rejected.

Cowards or what? Absolutely devoid of the courage needed to back up their words when faced with another man they fled. It was hilarious; I never saw such spineless cowardice before. This was witnessed by at least one MEP, and so when UKIP are criticised for their performance in the future, do not be surprised. Their performance tonight was pathetic.

With the laughter of young girls ringing in their ears, they beat the hastiest retreat I saw for many a year.

Total tossers!

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